Monday, August 17, 2009


I thought I would post at least one blog about summer since school is about to start. :) We had a fun summer that of course flew by. We started summer off with Jerry going to Guatemala for a week and the kids and I stayed home. He had a great trip and experienced some Guatemala politics that interfered with his schedule. We did suprisingly well at home with only 1 night spent at mom's. During that week we spoke at a boyscout meeting, the boys were very interested in Guatemala. Maddy did an excellent job dressing up in a traje and helping throw candy into the crowd at question time.
We were missionaries for 2 VBS's in June. Our home church, IFBC raised over $300 to go toward our outgoing account. It was great fun doing mission time for our friends. Indian Bible church was the other VBS we attended. They made up the BEST cheer for us. Maddy and Coleman had a great time participating in their class and meeting new friends.

In July we were missionaries for a week at Camp Pearl. This is always a highlight every summer. We always meet new friends and reconnect with many old ones. We also visited a few churches throughout the summer.
In the midst of all the traveling and speaking we had lots of fun together just being a family! The kids are growing so much and each new phase brings new ways of enjoying them. So, here are some pics of family fun time.

Cole and his cousin Rylan.

Our picnic indoors because it was 100 degrees outdoors.

Growing Triops.

Eating cereal with chopsticks.

Daddy and Coleman putting together the biggest Dinosaur puzzle known to man.

Artwork by Coleman.

Our "daycation" to the planetarium in Baton Rouge.

Happy Summer!


Daphne said...

OK, so first of all Coleman's art scares me!!! I can't believe how big the kiddos are. Looks like you had a fabulous summer. You look great Saj.. Miss you!

Abbey said...

hese are great pics! Our school has been in session for a week now. When will you guys begin?

Sarah said...

The public schools started today. We start school tomorrow - I am homeschooling - yikes!!! We are planning like we are heading to training in North Carolina in Feb but it is not looking like we will make that.