Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our 1st day of school

We had a great 1st day of school. I was unsure until the end because the whole morning Maddy kept telling me all the things her teacher used to do and all the fun she had in Kindergarten. But, at the end of our lessons she said, "I liked that mom, I wish I was homeschooled every year". Whew..I can relax and smile now. Coleman did well, his attention span is VERY short. He made it thru Bible (which is first) then said, "we done now". It was definitely interesting trying to keep him occupied while working with Maddy. I am sure we will find our groove as the days go on. Here are a couple pics from this morning. I will post a video later.
My serious learner.
My silly man.
The alligator we made out of Pattern Blocks. Maddy said he looks like he is comming up out of the water and you see his mouth, tongue, eyes and tail. She also thought the allligator needed a butterfly friend. She is so creative.


Carrie said...

Hi, Sarah! I hope you will remember me from Beaumont Bible this summer. I was cleaning out and found your card - thought I'd stop by and say hello! Hope you guys have a great school year!

Sarah said...

Yes, I do remember you! I am glad you looked me up. We are having so much fun homeschooling - so much more than I thought. What cirriculum do you use? You may have told me but I dont remember. :)