Thursday, July 24, 2008

Some funnies

You know your child had been to Guatemala if...she walks into the "motel" at Camp Pearl and says, "Whoa, mamma this is nice..look they have a bathtub".

You know your child is an MK if when you pull up to a place where you will spend more than 1 night, she asks, "Mamma, can I call this our new home"?

My goodness how our life has changed seemingly over night. We have had one BUSY summer and it is not over. We are having a lot of fun and meeting lots of new friends! Hopefully we will see you all on our travels!
Please be praying for us as Jerry and Maddy begin school in the fall. I am not too excited about this but I know it is what she needs right now. She will be home-schooled soon enough!
Here is a glimpse of what we have been doing in our spare time...


care-in said...

Those are adorable!
I'm sure Maddy will love school and how special that she'll "get to go with Daddy." I think that is what Elliya is looking forward to.

Abbey said...

Very cute! Wilson would love this!

Daphne said...

Welcome to the life of a missionary. It seems crazy at times but it is well worth it. My kids got to the point that they would ask "how many nights are we here for". They also asked that when we would get home!!