Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Guatemala 08

We really appreciated all the prayers and encouragement for my family and our trip to Guatemala. My grandmother did pass away on Wed June 25, the second day we were in Guatemala. My parents were able to attend the funeral on Friday and make their scheduled flight and lead the team down to meet us. Please continue to pray for my grandpa (Earnest Morgan) as he will grieve my grandma for some time. Our trip was wonderful!!!! We had a great time with the Foote's the first week. It was good for us to see "real life" for them in Antigua. It was exciting to see that this is totally do-able! The kids had a great time together playing literally from sun up to way after sun down. The guys has many "manly chats" outside on the patio for hours on end! I was able to live along side Daph and learn how to wash dishes without hot water and a dishwasher :P and shop at market for fruits and veggies. It certainly takes longer just to accomplish daily tasks in Guat but it is a lot of fun. On Saturday the team came down to meet us and we headed out to the lake. We began our time with a day of walking around Santiago and attending Alfa y Omega Sunday evening. What a great time of worship we had at that church despite the language barrier. Our group was most impressed with the singing and prayer time. The kiddos had a blast in children's church. On Monday - Wednesday we woke up and caught a boat across the lake to San Pedro to do VBS at a local church/school. We had story time, craft time and game time. The team did an excellent job! The guys were really touched once again with the need for further education for many of the pastors and elders in the area. They spent lots of time talking out a game plan for our futures. Daph and I also learned of a couple ministry opportunities we are excited about. We finished off our trip with a day in Antigua at a cute little hotel. We made it home without incident! Praise the Lord! We had a great time and it certainly made us want to hurry up and get there. However, we know it is all in the Lord's timing and we trust his plan is perfect. Thanks again for all your prayers and support! We are still looking for partners both in churches and individuals, let us know if you or someone you know is interested in sharing in the ministry with us. Also please contact us if you would like to be added to our mailing or email list for quarterly updates.


care-in said...

This is beautiful Sarah, we are so excited for you guys and this path the Lord is leading you on.

Melanie said...

Wow! that was so fun to read and watch the video. It looks like it was a GREAT trip! Can't wait to go myself! Love and Miss Yall a TON. Hope to talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I have prayed for you. Can't wait to hear about it at LCBC!

Daphne said...

I love the slide show! All the pictures are Great.
We miss you guys and can't wait to have you back down here soon.