Wednesday, July 30, 2008

O Camp Pearl...

you are my world, if only for a little while. I think of you, you make me happy, I reflect and then I smile..."
Anyone who has ever been to Camp Pearl can tell you that you go once and it becomes a part of you. The Lord does amazing things at camp! I went to Camp Pearl every summer from 3rd - 12th grade,(I felt the Lord calling me to Bible College my Sr yr at camp) I was a camp counselor one summer in college, my husband was a summer server after we were married and we just had the privelege of spending the week as camp missionaries. What a neat opportunity for us. We had "mission time" every afternoon after lunch. I was able to speak to about 30 third & fourth graders everyday. It was so fun to see how interested some of the kids were about missions and Guatemala. They asked great questions and loved playing with the Guatemalan toys. We made "wordless book" bracelets with them so they had a tool to be missionaries when they went back home. They were excited to have made the same thing we made with the kids in San Pedro. Jerry was able to share a little about our future ministry on Wed and Fri nights. It was humbling for us to be a tiny part of such a wonderful ministry that week. Camp Pearl focuses on making sure each camper is presented with the gospel on several occasions. Each Summer Server (camp counselor) is required to spend "one on one" time with each of their campers to make sure they clearly understand salvation. The result...30 something campers accepted Christ just the week we were there, over 80 people throughout the summer (including some of the parents during family night). What a wonderful ministry!!!
Camp Pearl is lots of fun in the midst of this, we sing songs in chapel

and Fozzy the Bear (puppet) visited us every night in chapel. The kids LOVED that, especially Coleman.

There were also afternoon games and fun and a Missions Carnival one afternoon. The campers are allowed to purchase tickets at a quarter a piece and spend them at different games and activities with all the proceeds going to missions. Maddy loved this, she painted stained glass flip flops, she dug in a swimming pool full of sand for a prize and she got a ring "tattoo" (which is not coming off no matter how hard we scrub).

Maddy made lots of new friends, as usual and Coleman stuck close to me but had fun also. What a wonderful week!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys were able to be there at camp that week! Sounds like things worked out well:) I'm sorry we weren't able to visit longer, one thing about camp is, it's not a place to come one day and catch up with friends with everything going on! Hope you are all doing well.

Love ya,

Stephanie said...

Hi! I just wanted to let you know I changed my blog address to Thanks!

care-in said...

I guess by now you've gotten that tattoo off? I think rubbing alcohol does the trick. I had a kid one year come with a tattoo in the middle of his neck. Very cool but inappropriate at school so we sent him to the nurse and I'm pretty sure that's what she used.

Daphne said...

Great pictures!
So glad you guys had a good time at camp. We always enjoy our time at camp pearl. Especially the kids. Great times, and good fun.

Michelle said...

LOL! Love the song!!! I loved your last post too about the bathtub. Your kids are so cute!