Sunday, June 22, 2008

Prayer Request

We leave for Guatemala tomorrow for 11 days. Please pray the Lord would continue to prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we will be ministering to, also please pray for health and safety for the entire group (the rest of the group will be meeting us in Guatemala on Sat). As well as this, my grandmother had a stroke a few days ago and is not expected to make it much longer. My dad has assured me that we should continue with our plans as normal. My tummy is already messed up with all that is going on and we arent even in Guat yet. :) Please pray for my parents as they decide whether to follow thru with their plans as well since they are a huge part of what we are doing next week. Thank you so much for your prayers for the Morgan family especially Ernest Morgan.
We will post again after the 4th!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandmother, we will be praying for you guys! I'll try to get in touch with you after the 4th.

Kenny said...

Hey Sarah I'll be praying for you and your grandma. Just leave it with the Lord. He called you to Guatemala and He will take of things at home. Tell Danny and Daphne I said hello.

Stephanie said...

Hi Sarah, It was nice talking with you guys on Skype last night. I'm excited for your being there and experiencing ministry there with Danny and Daphne. I am sorry about your grandmother; I am sure it has been difficult having to leave and deal with so many emotions.

Can't wait to hear how your trip went! God bless....

Abbey said...

I have been thinking about you & this trip!! I will pray that all goes smoothely with the trip and will also be praying for your family about your gma.
Have a wonderful trip! And squeeze those stanky Feete for me!! ;)