Friday, December 5, 2008

Jesus lives in Birmingham...Who knew!?!

We recently received a card in the mail from Jesus addressed from Birmingham, AL. We were very suprised and thankful for the gift inside. Only the Lord knew that was the exact amount our rent just went up this month. We, no I was discouraged (Jerry tends to have more faith than me - I must learn from him), here we are trying to pay off debt and reduce bills and rent goes up and our first new payment is at Christmas time. But, the Lord was faithful to provide. So, if you were "Jesus" this year...THANK YOU from the Lastrapes family for allowing the Lord to use you to bless us! You were not only a source of financial encouragement but a reminder to me to have faith in my Heavenly Father who has called us according to His purpose and all things are in His control not mine or my landlords!
FYI - it was not used on LSU paraphernalia! :)


Missy said...

WoW! I love stories like that when God works in mysterious ways.
Thanks for sharing!

Daphne said...

We do serve an AWESOME God!

care-in said...

Rejoicing with you!