Thursday, December 18, 2008

I cant believe...

Maddy is 6! She started school this year, got tall, and just lost her 1st tooth! She is getting so big. She is a very neat little girl! She LOVES everyone and never meets a stranger! She makes new friends every place we go. She is also very into China. She told me that her baby was going to come from China one day and that God wanted her to live in China to tell people about God. She then tells me that she doesnt want to forget, to which I reply, "If God wants you to live there, He will not let you forget." So, what kind of birthday party does my 6 year old want? None other than a Chinese party, of course! So, I did my best..we played a chop stick game and chase the dragon's tail game and had sparkle candles on her cake. It was fun and different, just like her! I think we may have a little missionary on our hands..that is exciting and scarry at the same time. She notices everything Chinese and wants to learn all about it. What a cool thing to watch God work in the heart of your child at such a young age.
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my very special Maddy Poo!, may God use you in wonderful ways!!


care-in said...

What a sweetie!

Missy said...

That is so sweet! Sounds like someday you'll be visiting your Missionary daughter in China!

Abbey said...

How sweet! SOme of our close friends have adopted twice from China... maybe God is preparing her heart for that! You never know.
She's so cute!

Daphne said...

That is soo wierd, Did you know that Chloe Ann used to tell people she was FROM china? They would look at her and say oh really, then she would hold her finger under her nose and say "see my mustach?" She would see an oriental person in the store or mall andsay (loudly) that is my sister, or brother and sometimes Daddy! yikes! Talk about embarassing.

Anyway, didn't mean to blog on your blog!! I think sometimes God uses children to show us things we would not normally think about. Made me think about China, and Pray for all the missionaries. Thanks Maddie.