Friday, September 12, 2008

Awake for almost 24hrs

We are in Bham once again. We left home last night and arrived in Bham about 5:15 this morning. My record for staying awake since having kids! :) We had a pretty uneventful trip - which was nice. We are expecting a lot worse weather at home this time then last. This is such a BIG hurricane and we are on the "dirty" side of the storm this time. They are comparing it to Rita (which I did not ever want to relive) however this time the eye will not hit as close to home as before so that is good for us but not for others. Please pray for some friends and my family that stayed home. This storm is going to be no picnic as they are predicting 75 mile an hour winds in my hometown and tornado and flood warnings.
BTW... I have stayed up for 24hrs time right after we got married we stayed the night with our friends the Pendeltons and they did their best to keep me up for 24hrs. We stayed up and watched movies and played games and ate snacks - lots of fun!
These are things memories are made of...hurricanes and friends!!!
Here are some pics from our last hurricane trip.

On the road again...

lots of fun with the Wii at the Ingrams

of course Maddy made good friends

meeting Eva Garcia

haning out with the Reeds

lots of laffy taffy to keep us entertained on our trip

some of the scenes we saw on the drive home

notice the tree top missing? now look closely at the roof...


-C said...

So sorry you had to leave again?! But, I'm thankful that you have friends to visit. We've been getting lots of wind for the last 24 hours or so, but nothing more here. Whew. Praying for your family and friends ... and all in Ike's path.

Melanie said...

Hey there! What the heck?! Sure hope it's all over for yall soon so that you can be home. Thinking about yall everyday. By the way, Pray for Paw Paw Rock, he went to the hospital last night because he broke his hip, he's been falling alot and not doing well. Pray for Frannie too! Call us if you can, we are in Portland this weekend and Mom and Dad are here too... we all have our cell's. Love yall, hang in there!