Thursday, September 25, 2008

Big "3"

I have been so lapse in my blogging that I forgot to blog about my little man turning 3! He has grown up so much the past couple of months - he is no longer my little baby but a full blown little boy! He even picked out his own birthday theme...Scooby Doo! He loves Scooby Doo so much that we sing Scooby Doo songs without even realizing it because it is constantly on the TV. Anyway, here are a few pics from his party!

Even though it was a Scooby Doo bday he still got lots of CARS stuff which he LOVES

Sissy playing with his remote control McQueen

His super cool Dino from Nanny and Papa

BTW- I have not forgotten about being tagged for the parenting advice blog...I am working on it! :)


Melanie said...

Hey there!
Wow, he's gettin' big! Looks like he had fun at his bday. To answer your question... We are not going to find out the sex of the baby. It's totally killing Jonas but he's been so good about it because he knows how much I love surprises! I got to be honest though, I only have like 13 weeks left to go and I'm getting pretty anxious to know! I feel like it's probably a girl, but who knows!!! We miss yall alot, have SOOO much to catch up on, can't wait to see yall!
Love you, Mel

Daphne said...

Hey girl,
I have had so much to do since we got internet commenting on blogs was last on the list:( but I did look at the blog last week. Wow both of the kids have gotten so big. Coleman is such a little man:)

Say hi to the family for me. Chloe Ann says hey to Madds.

We love you guys and are praying for you.