Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Days

Maddy has started Kindergarten! She LOVES it! Her only disappointment was coming home the first day not knowing how to read. I guess she thought they would learn everything in one day! :) I am the one who has had a hard time. She has been in school a week now and I am just blogging about it because I have finally stopped crying everday I drop her off. It took everything in me not to break down and boo hoo when I walked her to her classroom the first day. Once I left the room another mom came and put her arm around me and said, "looks like mom is taking this harder than daughter". Boy, she was right. We went home that first morning and Coleman and I both cried til we fell asleep on the couch. We really should have planned something for that day, oh well. She is in school and loving it and Cole and I are adjusting to the schedule and spending lots of fun time together. I dont get as much done around the house as before when they had each other to play with but I do get lots of time playing cars and Hungry Hippos. I mean how can you resist, "Pay me mom, peas!" Here are some pics of her first week.

her first day!!!

first homework assignment

she insisted on wearing these boots, she loves her school uniforms

afternoon snack
(Cole had to have a Friday shirt just like sissy!)


Michelle said...

Awww, I did the same thing! It's so hard but it does get easier as it becomes "the norm". She is so pretty Sarah. She looks just like you. I love how proud of herself she looks.

care-in said...

Aren't their school uniforms so sweet? I felt the same way last year when I dropped Elliya off and I was at school with her. It's good to know she's enjoying it.

Does Jerry think that painting his classroom walls qualifies as "doing something" with his room? ha! Xavier has the tendency to just tape or tack papers up. I caught him about to tack up a picture in our house.

Abbey said...

So cute! I wish my kids wore uniforms. It would make so many things easier around here..
She looks awesome in those boots too, mom! I love it!
Glad you're feeling better! :)

Anonymous said...

Can you believe 5 1/2 years ago we were just bringing that beautiful baby home and thinking about how our life was about to change and now she has begun school. I love that she has your love of school, your brown eyes and dark hair! I know that she may only have a year of "school" but it will be one of the best years she will have! I am sure of our decision and cannot wait to see how much she learns!