Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dodging Gustov

We once again are under mandatory evacution from SW La. We have gone to Birmingham! I am so thankful that we have such wonderful friends who allow us to stay with them. I am sad for all those who are driving aimlessly looking for an available hotel. Please be praying for my neighbors Ashley and Marshall, when we left Sat they still didnt know where they were going, they were "just going to drive", they have an 18mo old and a 4 mo old!
If you are in Bham we would love to see you, email me at!


care-in said...

I was wondering about you guys...glad you are safe.

Missy said...

We saw sooo many Louisianna tags tonight coming home from Hoover.
Glad for ya'll that you made it out OK!

Michelle said...

I'd love to see you :)