Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ike, Ike go away, come back NEVER!!!!

What is the deal?!?! We are back from Gustov and there was no real damage in our area - for which we are thankful! However, it still disrupts things to evacuate and sit in traffic from everyone else in Southern Lousisiana evacuating and come home to the unpacking and dewrinkling everything fom being packed in suitcases for a week. Putting the house back in order after securing everything and putting special things on top shelves in closets and no groceries in the stores because even they shipped everything off. Not to mention the toll it takes on one's budget. Dont get me wrong, I am very thankful we did not have the widespread destruction of Rita. Also, we are overwhelming appreciative to the friends who so willing housed us during our stay away from home. I am not usually this pessimistic but enough is enough. So, if you would, please pray that Ike stays away or that my attitude changes and I find the silver lining in all this. :) (I am always up for change)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm sorry girl. I can't imagine how frustrating that is. I will pray ;(