Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Here's the video


Abbey said...

So cute!! Pics and video. She's beautiful!!

Leslie said...

Awwww! Nothing's more fun than jumping and twirling!

Daphne said...

We loved watching the video You look great Maddy.

Chloe Ann watched it and danced with you too!!

alli said...

the pics and video are the cutest ever!

Twirling would DEFINITELY be my favorite part too!

We had a great time hanging out with y'all Tuesday. I wish we could've stayed longer.

I posted a few pics. They are cutie patooties!

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

its like looking at you, sarah. lol

she is so cute. like you haven't heard that before!

I just can't believe i am about to enter that world.. not ready for dance recitals.. maybe soccer games..but not recitals.

Brandon and Jenny said...

I can't wait for you guys to get here! Are you brining the kids? Hey, that may be the cutest thing I have ever seen! I wonder if they have dance lessons like that for our Madeline here in Xela? Maybe in 4 years they will. who knows, right...Brandon can now find his brand of aftershave when we couldn't find it anywhere in the country 6 months ago! I LOVE THE VIDEO! God bless you guys!

Anonymous said...

we are def bringing the kiddos with us they would be quite upset with us if we didnt! :)

we cant wait to get down there I (Jerry) hope that some crazy thing happens that we are stuck down there until school starts and all our bills are paid at the same time hey you never know! a guy can pray right? anyway, thanks for the comment and we cant wait to see yall!