Friday, March 14, 2008

Coleman can talk....

well, in Colemanese that is! I just thought I would post some cute sayings we love so much. :) (when he was oh so proud of himself for writing all over the wall over his bed)-thank goodness for Mr Clean Magic Erasers!

gu gu beer beer (Franklin and Little Bear)

ta da (anytime he does something great)

woohoo (followed by the cutest dance with arms in the air - anytime he gets what he wants)

I doed it (anytime he is trying to do anything)

He loves Cars and can sing almost every word to every song on the movie (we have the soundtrack as well) :)

He went to the dentist for the first time yesterday! He and Maddy both had appointments so I let Maddy go first since she was a "seasoned veteren" so Cole could see how it was done. She did wonderful and declared that she wanted to be a dentist when she grew up! When it was Coleman's turn the dentist asked if I wanted to sit in the chair and hold him and Cole shooed me away and climbed in the chair himself and said "meself". Sure enough he sat by himself and had his exam like a big boy! I was kicking myself for not having the foresight to bring the camera!

Isnt life as a mom grand!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

That's adorable, I have a list of Elliya's phrases too!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you guys tom. at the park. I know my page is in desperate need of updating!! It's been so long I think I may have forgotten!! I also need to add you to my list, but, again, I have forgotten how to do that?!! Oh, well, I'll get around to it as soon as I quit reading so much babycenter stuff!!