Sunday, March 23, 2008

Christ the Lord is Risen Today.....

"Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens and earth reply, Alleluia!"

Charles Wesley

I love our little church but we just dont sing hymns enough. I sometimes miss them and this is one that I love. The Lord has been so good to bring this song to my mind this past week and I woke up this morning singing it! How wonderful!
We have enjoyed this Easter season. I found these cool things called Resurection Eggs. They tell the Easter story in 12 eggs. The kids love them. For some reason we just havent gotten in to the whole Easter Bunny thing. We do Easter baskets and egg hunts but other than that my kids are pretty unfamiliar with the bunny part. Maddy actually asked me this morning if the Easter Beagle brought the baskets or if mom and dad did? I thought that was hilarious! Anyway, we do have our Easter traditions consisting of dying eggs and making Resurection Rolls. Here are some pics of the past weekend! We hope you all have a lovely day!


Anonymous said...

I love your resurrection rolls. I have directions for cookies that represent the empty tomb. I can't remember exactly what the ingredients are but you leave them out over night and they are hollow in the morning. I have it in my files at school if you're interested!

Daphne said...

WOW I cannot believe how your brothers have grown up! I don't think I would recognize them if I saw them in public. LOVE the pics. So glad you had a wonderful Easter.

Enjoy the family time girl :)

Abbey said...

I think Maddy looks EXACTLY like you!!! That picture of you two is adorable!!

We didn't do the EB either. I'm usually really bad about trying to "convince" my kids to believe in garbage like that, with none of them falling for it, but this year I just didn't feel much like it. He never brings me anything anyway, so I gave up on him this year! :)

Jonathan Moorhead said...

Sarah, you have a beautiful family! I'm so glad Gerald commented over at my blog. Keep in touch.