Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A little bit of cuteness...

Coleman has quit sleeping through the night for whatever reason. (As has been the case the past few weeks) I was awakened early this morning by a finger poke in the face and a little voice saying, "Mommy". So, I dutifully roll out of bed and walk him back to his bed which resulted in him screaming like a banshee! Well of course that wakes up Madeline. She sits quietly up in bed and says, "Mom, can I have my ear muffs - you know those things that help you not hear other people". I wasnt even aware she knew she had these things, they were mine when I was little and I kept them for her to play with. She knew exactly where they were so I got them and she put them on and fell back asleep! Hilarious! If it wouldnt have disturbed Coleman I would have taken a picture.


Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

that is priceless.. you truly have to write this stuff down.. the things they say! hilarious..

-C said...

What an awesome story ... that may be one to tell the future in-laws. :)

Jennifer said...

That's great. I think I need ear muffs, because my silly Abi, who is 5, hasn't been sleeping well. If I could just tune her out.... :-)

Abbey said...

I need ear muffs to drown out Matt's snoring!
I've had fun catching up on your posts. Cute, cute pictures!!

Michelle said...

How fun that you have a blog! Isn't it so great to be able to see what's happening with everyone. I love it. And about your comment on my blog...I so miss Camp Pearl. Those were really sweet times.