Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas... a little late!!! We had a wonderful Christmas. If I could use one word to describe it would be pleasant. We had Maddy's birthday a little early this year so we could slow down and enjoy our holidays. It worked! Jerry and I went on a long awaited date night. (to see August Rush - great movie) We went caroling with our church (Maddy loved this)! We were able to enjoy time with extended family and with each other. We visited family in Baton Rouge that we had not seen in a while. We spent some time with my family. We were able to share with neighbors and others in the community. We spent Christmas Day just the 4 of us at home. It was so nice to go at our own pace and begin some fun and some meaningful traditions in our home. We started the morning with Santa gifts, which were bikes, they loved them. We had a birthday breakfast for Jesus (cinnamon rolls and bacon mmm...). The kids loved blowing out the candles and singing Happy Birthday. Next, Jerry read the Christmas story from Maddy's Bible and Maddy and Cole put their little nativity set together. We had family prayer and then opened our gifts from each other and family who were unable to be here. Jerry surprised me with a guitar! I do not know how to play at all but have been wanting to learn for a while now. I really felt the Lord telling me this was going to be some part of my ministry in Guatemala. I knew we couldnt afford it so I prayed the Lord would work it out if that is what He wanted. He did and how sweet that He used my husband and at Christmastime. I was so surprised and excited I cried when I opened it. I still dont know how to play but I am going to learn! We wrapped up our day with a very late lunch (oops) :) and watching The Santa Clause 2! What a perfect gift from the Lord to our little family!
We truly hope your holidays were a blessing!
I thought I would leave you all with a Christmas slideshow...


Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

we have the exact same nativity set for the kids.. in fact.. jesus is somewhere in the house "hiding."

Jennifer said...

Those are sweet. Beautiful kiddos!