Thursday, January 24, 2008

Change of Perspective

I started this week with good intentions and way too high expectations. I was going to crack down on Maddy's homeschooling schedule and go hardcore with potty training for Cole. Mind you I am also trying to lose weight (a never ending down hill battle), pick up some conversational Spanish and learn to play guitar (I think my guitar is messed up surely I am not that inept that I cant make even one note sound recognizeable). Anyway, all this along with keeping the house presentable and cooking and grocery shopping, etc... You get the picture, an average week in the life of a stay-at-home mom.
I thought I was "stressed" out. Well, last night we rush out the door to Wed night Bible Study and while I was focused on getting home and finishing up dinner so I can feed 2 "starving" children, I was sitting chatting with a friend and I stumble upon the information that her husband is not living at home anymore. WHAM... I just hung my head and closed my eyes. Another dear friend (3 this year) that is dealing with the unfathomable. My heart literally hurts for her. I cant understand this...even today after crying on my husband's shoulder last night and receiving his reassurance, I can not comprehend what she is going through. I LOVE my life! I have NOTHING to stress over! I have a wonderful, loving husband and 2 precious children the Lord has called me to serve. I am again reminded to be more thankful for what the Lord has blessed me with. I am also compelled to pray so much more for my dear husband and all he faces day to day.
I am encouraged by the blog "thoughts from poopsi" wrote to her husband on their anniversary. What an extraordinary testimony. All of you with strong marriages please join me in praying for these dear friends whose worlds are falling apart. I wish to help them and encourage them but I dont really know how other than to pray that the Lord would be their strength and security during this time.
How quick our perspective changes...


Kim said...

It frightens me when I see it. I just sit and think about how fragile life is around me. Somebody is being destroyed.

How selfish am I?

I stumbled on you a week ago. I'm enjoying your stuff.

Abbey said...

That really does make you stop and think about your life. It's happenning all around us. But you are so right... So many blessings.