Friday, April 9, 2010

Partner Profie- Iowa First Baptist Church

Our home church, our sending church and our vision for ministry in Guatemala! We came to Iowa First Baptist 4 yrs ago right around the time we went to Guatemala for the first time. We came back from that trip knowing God wanted us to be involved in Guatemala in some way and felt like the local church was the ticket. After conversations with our pastor Dee Spears we all agreed this was the avenue and one year later Iowa First Baptist sent a team to the foreign mission field for the first time in the church's history. We came back from that trip feeling like God was leading us to move and minister in Guatemala full-time. We truly wanted to take the vision of our church to IMPACT Iowa and IMPACT a community in Guatemala. Through the sacrificial financial support and at times overwhelming encouragement of fellow members we are well on our way to IMPACTing an international community for Jesus Christ. What a blessing to share all that God will do in the lives of Guatemalans and our lives as well with such a wonderful church family.

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