Thursday, October 8, 2009


I dont know if any of you have seen the DVD of Louie Giglio's Indescriblable talk during a Passion conference but it is AWESOME. He talks about the expanse of the universe and the amazing, indescribable God who created it all. It is incredible to me that the God who created the universe confined Himself to a lowly human body just to die on the cross for me. I have heard this a hundred times but for some reason hearing it a different way amazed me. We showed the DVD to our youth at church and discussed it in small groups. I LOVE watching God work in the lives of high schoolers. I LOVE IT! Anyway, if you get the chance watch it, it is great! Here is the link to part 3 of 5 of the message.
Psalms 19 - so thankful I memorized this chapter at Camp Pearl one year as a counselor :)
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skys proclaim the works of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech nor is there language where their voice is not heard...."

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