Monday, March 9, 2009

Wow...Long time, No post!

I didnt realize just how long it has been since I posted anything. It seems I enjoyed my little hiatus from the computer when it was gone. We have had it back for a few weeks now and I still dont get on it as much as I used to. We have also rearranged our bedroom and living room which put our desk and computer in our bedroom making it harder to stay on the computer.
Anyway, we have been busy! We have been speaking at churches sharing our future ministry in Guatemala and we have several more churches lined up in the coming weeks. We have really enjoyed making new friends and even reconnecting with old ones. It never fails to amaze us just how much we are enjoying this representation process. The kids are doing well with the schedule, each week they ask if we are going to "our" church or a "new" church. They accept whichever one and seem to have fun no matter what. Although, I must say Coleman does give a big "yeah" when we say we are going to our church! :)
We are also in full swing with fundraisers for missions at church. This year they have graciously decided to give all the proceeds to our outgoing fund at CAM to help get us to Guatemala. The $ ususally goes toward the summer mission trip which they have decided to postpone til we are on the field. It is very encouraging to work with our Missions Team and see their interest and support. The cool thing is they even view these fundraisers as ways to IMPACT our community of Iowa. What a blessing Iowa First Baptist has been in our lives!
I have even been slacking on picture taking lately...sorry. I will have to get back in the swing of things and post pictures of our travels!
Here are a few random pics of the past couple months.

doing science experiments with daddy!

Maddy lost all 4 front teeth!!!

Coleman was finally able to hang out with Boys!!! They all discovered they had on undershirts, their top shirts came off right away!

Finally, Mads was able to hang out with one of her best buds she doesnt get to see often.


care-in said...

What great news about the missions fun...such a blessing. Your kids seem to be doing so well with all the newness.

Congrats to Madi on loosing her teeth. Elliya's been talking about it a lot but I'm curious to see how she reacts when it happens!

Daphne said...

Good post girlie,

It is tough being gone so much but it makes it so much better to go back to your home church for good fellowship, encouragement & love.
Keep up the good work guys :)

Wow your kiddos have gotten so much bigger. Chloe Ann has only lost 2 teeth, we are waiting....

Is the Melanies little boy?