Thursday, January 8, 2009

Do you ever feel like your stuck...

in a sitcom re-run?!?!
Well, I do, especially today.
Here's how my day went..
Get up, get Maddy up, she whines about not wanting to go to school, "Well, honey you have to go to school, only 2 more days til Saturday!"
Get Coleman up, he cries because he is not ready to get up. Get all of us in the car, drive through carpool circle and Maddy starts crying again, "my foot hurts", me, "what?" The teacher on duty has to help her out of the car so she will go. I circle around the school and stake-out the Kindergarten building til I see her go inside her classroom. (when I questioned her about it this afternoon she tells me, "I got over it")
Cole and I go walking, I get sick - why? Who knows. We go home, chill out for a little while, start laundry, vacuuum, watch Gilmore Girls, fold laundry, take meat out for dinner, etc...
2:30 - leave for carpool, pick Maddy up, go to the bank and post office, then home.
Snack time for the kids, finish up laundry, start homework with Maddy, Cole pitches a fit because I turn the TV off and ask him to color at the table (we do this everyday) and yet he still pitches a fit!
Walk in the living room to straighten up and find tortilla chips smashed into my just cleaned carpet...ahhh...Cole has come out of his room and is mighty quiet so I go check on him..he is up to his elbow in toilet water! He has his play sponge and says, "I tlean toilet mom" Wash him up, wipe down the toilet.
Pull the last of the laundry out and see that there is STILL a stain on Maddy's school stockings so once again I spray on stain stick and set them aside.
Finally go back to helping Maddy with homework. We always have tears at some point during homework - is Kindergarten really supposed to be this hard?!?!
Now, revacuuming the carpet, starting dinner and finish helping Maddy with her practice quiz.
Go to bed, get up and start over again.
(maybe that stain will come out of Maddy's stockings tomorrow!)

Dont get me wrong there are parts of this day that were precious like Coleman cuddling on my lap and kissing my cheek while I type this and the joy on Maddy's face when she finally gets all her spalding words correct and finally the sweet email from Jerry right in the middle of my day!!!!


Missy said...

Kindergarden became difficult when emotional little girls started going to it. Little girls are very good at making a small task an event for drama.

I complelty empathize with your day. It has its ups and downs, but so worth it in the end!

care-in said...

Missy's right...maybe it was just one of those days.

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

awww.. at least you saw the silver lining.. THAT is the hardest part.. ha.

Daphne said...

Chin up, sometimes we just have days, weeks and sometimes months that just creep by. But we can be thankful we have good memories we can look back on and think of the things we can look forward to, like you being here. WOW I CAN"T WAIT!
Love ya