Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's always an adventure!

Here's one for you Rach...
For those of you who dont know we have one toilet for 4 people (one of which is potty training). Well, the other day it got clogged and was out of commission for 24hrs! Thankfully we spent most of the day at the church working so we were able to use their facilities. But, when we got home yesterday afternoon I knew I had to do something! I tried plunging and pouring half a bottle of drano down it and NOTHING. It would drain but it took hours! When Jerry came home he graciously took over. After working on it for a while he ended up having to remove the toilet to try and unclog it from the bottom. A little while later I hear, "Oh, uh..uh.." I summon the courage to peer around the door and see..a BANANNA PEEL! I was on my way to talk to Maddy about it when Coleman walks in the bathroom and says, "Nanna, mine!" Then he looked right at me and said, "you, mom" (when means I love you in Colemanese) and he pulled my face to his and kissed me! Now, how in the world am I supposed to discipline that?!? I did eventually talk to him about not flushing ANYTHING down the toilet. I am just thankful to have a working toilet again and a husband who worked maintenance long enough to learn some plumbing skills!

the culprit


Abbey said...

That is SOOOO cute! I love "nanna! Mine!" Too funny.

Dom :) said...

cole is so adorable! i am really gonna miss his cute self now that baseball is over :(

Daphne said...

Great times!!! Stories you will all laugh about (in the future right Jerry?)

Melanie said...

What handsome little man, I miss yall already. We had such a great visit but it was not near long enough. Love yall so much.

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

that is awesome. i am glad that I inspire posts. well I guess your culprit inspired this one. I am wondering if Jorge flushed something down ours since its been acting weird lately.

he is too cute.

potty training nanna said...

He looks soo cute! I can imagine how tough it is for you to discipline him :-)