Saturday, November 17, 2007

Missionary Appointees

We have officially become missionary appointees with CAM International to Guatemala! It has been a long process and this is just the beginning. We are very excited about this new phase of our lives. We met some incredible people at training and certainly new friends who will last a lifetime. It was a great time of learning and growth for us. We are so humbled that the Lord would have us serve in such an incredible ministry.

The kids had a wonderful time! They made great friends with some of the other candidates children. The Lord really worked things out so there were other kids their age. They also attended a children's academy at a local church. They had a lot of fun learning about Thanksgiving. They even had their own "feast"!

While in Dallas we were also able to reconnect with some "old" friends. We had a great time with the Bannis's! Xav we will certainly be thinking of you as we enjoy our turducken. :)

We are looking forward to what the Lord has in front of us! We are beginning the representation process at this point and we are excited about sharing our journey with you all!
We hope to be able to see a lot of you during our travels!


Jim said...

Congrats, and welcome to the CAM fam! :)

Graced said...

I am so proud of you, and I am so glad you have a blogspot so I can "talk" to you now. I think about you all the time and the wonderful time we had rooming together. You were my best roommate, by far. I am very excited about the path God is leading you on!

Love you!

Abbey said...

Good to see you on blogspot! It's a great way to keep updated!