Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So you may wonder why we chose to use legacy as part of the title to our blog. Let me take you back about three months to a local bookstore, as I was reading the preface to End of the Spear by Steve Saint (son of slain missionary to Ecuador Nate Saint). He ends his preface by telling his grandchildren that “this book is for you. This is the preface to your story.” I was moved by those two sentences. A legacy (by definition) is something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor from the past. Sarah and I have begun in our family what we hope is a legacy of missions and not just world missions. We, as Christians, are all called to missions of some form. I use the word “called” loosely, actually we are commanded by God Himself to spread the Gospel message, the Blessed Hope, the Truth! We have spent hours praying about this one decision that would forever change the landscape of our lives. We have seen the awesome power of living a life of service to those who were not fortunate enough to live in a country with religious freedom. So we choose to leave for our children and their children the legacy of faithfulness in Christ through missions.
We are humbled that God would ask us to be “Great Commissionaries” in Guatemala and more specifically the highland area around Lake Atitlan. We are humbled that two friends from college would pray about building a team of missionaries to train pastors and elders and consider us! Finally, we are humbled to be in a great organization with a long legacy of missions.
A legacy, although only realized when our children take what God has given us as their own and live according to what God has for them. We have met many legacies within our organization, working with people whose fathers have translated Bibles from unwritten languages into Spanish "testamentos" because of their love of people and Jesus.
We cannot wait to see how God uses us in Guatemala, we cannot wait to see the different people that God brings into our lives so that we can get to Guatemala, we cannot wait to see God do things in our lives that we thought were impossible. But, we will wait and we will seek God’s timing in everything. As when He began this process in us at the day of our salvation and more specifically the day we got that phone call asking if we would pray about becoming part of a team. Then two months later we found ourselves looking out at a lake back dropped by a group of volcanoes nearly a mile above sea level.
Pray that we will leave a legacy of faithfulness in Christ through missions for our children. Pray that we will include them in every aspect of ministering to Guatemalan nationals in such a way that they too will choose to leave the same legacy for their children. This is the beginning of their story.


Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

yeah!! I get to leave the first comment! I am so excited for you guys. I could not be more proud. So does that mean you will be going to language school there in Guatemala? the terry's go every year. (homeschool spanish class).

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm wondering if I can steal your LEGACY blog and just change names and places in a few spots.

Truly, that's a great article and really hits home for me. Thanks for the post. I watched the movie last year in Honduras at their fellowship retreat. It was very powerful and it causes a little water shed every time I watch it.

-Jon O.